How 19 McDonald’s Stores in Tennessee Achieved Complete Visibility for Food Safety and Shift Management

by | 24-Oct-2022

“Now we have real-time visibility with Jolt, so the discovery is done. Jolt gives us the data to choose a clear direction, and we’re able to act faster, the right way.”

–Jonathon McGuire, 19 Stores in Tennessee, Leader of the McDonald’s Restaurant Technology Board

Ditching Paper Operations

Jonathon McGuire owns and operates 19 McDonald’s locations across Tennessee.

As a member of the McDonald’s Restaurant Technology Board, Jonathon helps other Owner/Operators choose technology solutions to help their stores succeed.

“Our family has been with McDonald’s for decades,” said Jonathon. “Until recently, we did absolutely everything with pen and paper.”

This included food safety checks, shift management, travel paths, and more. Because of this, Jonathon didn’t have visibility into his stores without being physically there.

“We didn’t have a real-time understanding then. To know what was going on, I’d have to visit every store and read the books.”

As a part of McDonald’s digital food safety pilot, Jonathon tried Jolt in several of his stores.

“The difference was amazing. Jolt gave us the reports and direction we need to make informed decisions for the business. The data was right there, and updated in real time.”

Real-Time Visibility and Discovery

Jonathon decided to call a meeting for all his management staff.

He invited every GM and Store Manager, and told them he planned to transitional all his paper operations to digital.

“We’re rolling Jolt out to all 19 stores,” he told them.

“I showed them what Jolt could do, and explained the visibility it gave us as a management team at both the store and employee level.”

Jonathon’s employees were ecstatic. They had also felt the pains of pencil whipping.

“With Jolt, no one can cheat or pencil whip,” said Jonathon. “During our implementation, we removed all paper from our stores. This has really brought our team chemistry and operations into the future.

Jolt has helped hundreds of McDonald’s improve operations by showing management teams where to spend their time and energy.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

“Now we visit stores with a purpose,” said Jonathon. “My supervisors and I and know exactly what we’re going to focus on.”

Jonathon explained that much of his time and frustration stemmed from an inability to put his finger on the real issues without being in the stores.

“Before Jolt, we spent a lot of time in discovery—trying to learn what was going awry in each store.”

“Now we have real-time visibility with Jolt, so the discovery is done. Jolt gives us the data to choose a clear direction, and we’re able to act faster, the right way.”

Jonathon and his team use customizable Jolt food safety reports in every location, and now use Jolt for shift management and travel paths as well.

“The time I spend on-site is now more impactful. Both my employees and myself are more productive with Jolt. I’m excited to get all my travel paths in Jolt, too.”

Jolt Helps Multi-Location McDonald’s Succeed

Owners like Jonathon are adopting Jolt as an approved Digital Food Safety solution from McDonald’s corporate to improve visibility across their stores.

“Jolt feels like it was made for me. It’s perfect for multi-store owners looking to improve their business at a high level.”

“Food safety is more than just a number,” said Jonathon. “These are our customers, and we want to keep them safe. Jolt helps us accomplish this.“

We asked Jonathon about the onboarding process he experienced with Jolt in his stores.

“Adoption of Jolt was quick, and gave me instant visibility into every one of my stores. And because no one can cheat or fake temperatures we have confidence that our food is safe, and of the highest quality.“

Jonathon is now using Jolt’s Digital Food Safety and Shift Management bundle in all 19 stores.

“I’d recommend Jolt to any McDonald’s owner, but especially for those with several stores. It’s really given me back time, and you can’t put a price on that.”

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Jolt’s mission is to create products that make your life easier. Get started today on a path to making your business running smoothly!