Opening and Closing Procedures

Streamlined for both managers and employees!

Jolt lists example

One Seamless App For All Of Your Task Management

Get rid of the time-consuming paper methods to make your opening and closing procedure checklist simpler than ever. Go digital with one easy-to-use app.

Opening and Closing Procedures Checklist for Employees

Jolt’s restaurant management software helps restaurants run smoothly. It allows employees to exceed customer expectations and give customers the best possible experience.


Jolt Lists

Opening Checklists for Employees

You can trust any of your employees, even the new ones, to open up your business with clear and easy-to-understand opening checklists on the simple app. You no longer need to be there every morning or even have a manager be there for the opening shift. Monitor task completion anywhere, anytime. Run your business like a well-oiled machine and let the operations flow, starting with opening procedure checklists.

Create a straightforward opening checklist that is easy for your employees to follow, outlining all the duties needed to open the shop. Create smooth opening workflows and never think twice about the small things like turning the alarm off, flipping the open sign on, firing up the ovens or air compressors, checking the voicemails, etc. Everyone will have their checklists and know just what to get done.

Closing Checklists for Employees

Similar to the opening checklist that employees can follow to ensure the proper opening of your business, use the closing procedure checklists for your employees to follow if they are on the closing shift. If your employees don’t properly Close the night before, your morning employees effectively have to “close and then open,” costing you valuable time and money.  With a precise closing procedure checklist for employees to follow, you never need to question if the till got emptied, the lights are off, the side work is done, and the security system was armed. Get notified when your business is through with another successful day as your employees complete the closing checklist. You can monitor where things are in the process anytime, giving your team independence with accountability. From a distance, this tool allows you to double-check all the closing duties without needing to be there. 

Jolt List Module
Jolt software team accountability checklist example

Opening and Closing Checklist for Managers

Not only is Jolt great for employees, it also makes managers lives much easier. Between saving time, giving quick overviews and more, Jolt will have your managers working more efficiently than ever before.


Jolt Lists

Opening Checklists for Managers

Properly delegate everything that needs to get done for a flawless opening every day by separating your manager opening checklists from other employee opening procedure checklists. Have managers oversee and even create the standard opening checklists for the employees who open the shop. While managers may have particular opening procedures to ensure higher-level tasks like emails, online reviews, and scheduling get completed as they should be, they can also create and manage the opening procedure checklists for other employees or use them to audit other employees’ work. With tasks properly delegated to everyone, you can oversee and orchestrate the entire operation and not need to be physically in the operations any longer.

Closing Checklists for Managers

Make sure your business gets properly closed, secure, and ready to reopen for another day with simple closing procedures for your managers. With manager lists and managers overseeing employee checklists, your business can practically open and close itself without you ever needing to think about it. You can logically delegate and manage each task with Jolt task management software. Seamless operating procedures will help you automate the opening and closing procedures with easy and adaptable workflows. Your manager’s closing checklist may include any responsibilities that are important to you, like locking the POS system, turning off the computers, ensuring the team completed all other closing duties, activating the security system, and locking the doors.

Opening and Closing Procedures By Industry


Jolt’s Lists are ideal for Retail opening and closing procedures.


Jolt for Retail

Retail store opening checklists are crucial for a smooth flow of business. Ditch the papers and bulletin boards and replace them with one easy-to-use app that can manage all your opening procedures for the entire team. Don’t forget about your retail store closing checklist. That is just as important as your opening checklist. A smooth and logical flow to the opening and closing procedures will help your business function flawlessly. Employees will never skip the store opening inspections and security preparations. Closing duties won’t get overlooked in the end-of-shift rush to go home.

Many menial tasks, like straightening shelves, closing the POS system, and setting the alarm system, must get done for a smooth operation. With the Jolt operating procedures and retail store opening and closing checklists, no task will get lost in the day-to-day busyness, and with a smooth system for all operations, you can free your mind.


From open to close, Jolt has your restaurant covered.


Jolt for Restaurants

Owning and operating a restaurant can be hectic. There are so many things to get in order each day to have a successful day. Use the Jolt restaurant opening checklist to ensure your restaurant can open smoothly without you needing to do each task. As a business owner, you can’t focus your time and efforts on small time-consuming tasks if you expect to grow your business into something sustainable. Things need to get done without you doing it.

That’s where Jolt comes in. With restaurant closing checklists, you won’t need to be in charge of closing your restaurant every night anymore. Smooth workflows and procedure checklists will ensure your employees can open and close your business perfectly. Restaurants have many tasks that need to get done for opening and closing. Some vital aspects of maintaining a good restaurant operation include, but are not limited to, food prep, cleaning, inventory, lighting, soda machine refill, POS system, etc. Make sure your team has the tools and resources to get everything done. With our digital solution, you can now ditch the slow and confusing paper methods for a fast, efficient, and money-saving system.


Detailed checklists for every hotel location.


Jolt for Hotels

A hotel opening checklist can be detailed and extensive to provide customers with the best hospitality. From cleaning common areas and conference rooms to turning computer check-in systems on, many very distinct tasks need to get done for your employees to open your hotel.

The same goes for closing. Create a hotel closing checklist with Jolt, and your team will never forget anything in the closing process again. Not even the hidden light switch they used to overlook. Save time and money with simple but thorough hotel operating procedures for opening and closing. With checklists and opening and closing procedures, you can get a notification every time a task is complete. You no longer need to be present to ensure your team checks off the hotel closing checklist and secures everything. The hotel opening and closing procedures are usually simple but very specific. There is no need for you to be there to oversee every opening and closing.

Use Jolt task management checklists to automate the flow of your business and let your employees appropriately open and close your hotel.

Car Wash

Optimize your car wash operations with Jolt.


Jolt for Car Wash

Using Jolt lists to create a car wash opening checklist is the best way to make your operations more efficient by switching paper processes to digital procedures. Car wash opening and closing checklists are a simple way to confirm every duty at your business gets taken care of, from basic tasks like emptying the trash bins and sweeping the floors to management checklists for scheduling meetings and reviewing the schedule or even making sure payroll gets paid.

Car wash closing checklists can be as crucial as opening checklists and procedures. Automate the workflows in your business and let the machine function. With functional and customizable opening and closing procedure checklists, delegate everything smoother than ever to ensure your business is operating at its peak.

Jolt opening and closing procedures can easily manage everything from locking the doors, activating the security system, and logging employee hours to tidying the break room, turning on the equipment, and even establishing goals every day. The potential to automate your business using Jolt task management software is limitless. Free up your time while growing your business to allow the potential for more in your life.

Other Industries

Jolt’s Lists are ideal for Retail opening and closing procedures.


Jolt in Other Industries

Jolt opening and closing checklists are not just for stores, restaurants, hotels, and car washes. You can run a smoother business in any industry using a flawless and fully customizable Jolt opening checklist. Jolt is perfectly suitable for offices, banks, family fun centers, convenience stores, amusement parks, etc.

The task management platform can completely automate your business with closing checklist management, similar to the opening procedure checklist. Remove the slow and wasteful paper procedures and replace them with seamless and automated digital processes. You can always keep a good pulse on your business without always needing to be there with notifications alerting you and your team through every step. Save money – keep your team small and busy by delegating every task to the right person. Even management procedure checklists will help you help them operate and advance the business.

Using scheduled or repeating lists will help guarantee the daily opening and closing procedures get completed. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you conduct or what kind of team you are in charge of – Jolt task management software will make it easier for any company in any industry to automate workflows and operations. Don’t wait to have a better business with more freedom!

Key Benefits 

Chick-fil-A Checklist Alert Example
  • Never worry about who is doing what task with embedded training and checklists to guide anyone with any procedure. Even a new employee opening or closing for the first time could do it alone with the opening and closing procedure checklists. Built-in training will teach every employee how to do each task before or as they encounter the duty, creating a smoother, faster flow to the business operations.
  • You can customize Jolt lists for anything, training your employees along the way with the information library and built-in training materials, ensuring your team is always doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way.
  • With Jolt, you can do anything from daily opening and closing procedures, food safety, bartender opening/closing checklists, and scheduled lists to store opening and closing checklists, temperature logs, incident reports, employee scheduling, repeatable checklists, and more!
  • Manage your entire team from Jolt, making running your business a breeze! You don’t want to wait to turn your business into the well-oiled machine it could be. Get the best task management software with the smoothest opening and closing procedures to automate your business. Contact Jolt today!
Jolt Tech Assets Small

“Best Restaurant Management Software”

An Entire Suite Of Products For Restaurants:

Jolt Lists

With Jolt Lists, your entire team naturally does the right thing, at the right time, in the right way. Turn guesswork into great work

Jolt Sensors

Discover a remote monitoring solution that protects inventory with alerts when temperatures fall outside of a defined range

Jolt Labeling System

Streamline the label-making process by reducing the time it takes to make labels and eliminating errors.


Jolt Temperature Probes

Take and record food temperature in just seconds.



Jolt Information Library

Provide employee training and store content in one central hub.


Jolt Employee Scheduling

Scheduling your entire crew has never been easier than with Jolt’s drag and drop interface.

Jolt Time Clock

Monitor employee clock-ins and shift lengths all from home.


Jolt Communication Manager

Ensure that critical information is delivered to the right people, at the right time, in the right way.

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